Fishing at the Harbour
Minehead offers varied and diverse opportunities for the sea angler . Whether its a clean comfortable high water beach or a bit more of a demanding low water beach , Minehead has it in abundance.
The fishing is very much seasonal with plenty of species to be caught throughout the year.Spring offers Codling , Thornback ,Small eyed,Spotted and Blonde rays , Dogfish , Bass and the first run of Smoothounds .
Summer offers mullet, bass, Smoothounds, dogfish, sole, conger, turbot, Thornback, small eyed, spotted and blonde rays, pollock plus lots of mini species to have some fun with LRF (light rock fishing) tactics.
Autumn and winter offers some of the best Cod and codling fishing in the country along with good catches of whiting over the Christmas and new year period also Thornback rays can also be caught during a mild spell.
Situated at the western end of Mineheads beach you will find the harbour where there are several angling boats available for charter. Whether its a 4 hours trip to take the kids out for a morning or afternoon or an all day 8 or 10 hour trip to do some serious boat fishing you will find something to accommodate you.

Crabline fishing inside the Harbour is fantastic and is a must if you visit Minehead Harbour. Kids and adults alike just love crabbing.
The fun and excitement catching that first crab is never to be forgotten . Having a little crabbing competition to see who can catch the most is a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours and at the end you can have a crab race down the Harbour slip way as you let them go back into the water. Please note the tide must be in the Harbour …